For years, web site design was the sole domain of the left brained because web sites had to be created from scratch. If you didn�t know anything about HTML code, you just couldn�t join the club.
Today, there are a wide variety of software programs that enable the right brained to develop web sites without having to know anything about programming.
To illustrate this, we provide you with a hands-on learning experience. You will actually design a web site during your tutorial and we won�t ask you to write a single line of code.
Our teaching methods are based on a simple understanding that learning styles are largely dependent upon the orientation of the learner�s brain. Studies show that we are dominated by either the right or left brain and that our orientation affects everything we do.
Individuals who are predominately left brained are highly analytical and have a tendency to think in absolute terms. They tend to work in professions that are detail oriented, e.g., accountants, computer programmers, lawyers, and stockbrokers. In the realm of web design, a truly left brained individual puts greater emphasis on a web site�s underlying HTML code, than a web site�s overall appearance or content.
Those who are right brain dominant, e.g., artists and musicians, generally do not concern themselves with the details. Being spatially oriented. they focus on the end product, not the technical details which generate the end product.